5 Click the close box.
1 With the CrownNet Manager for OS/2 installed and running,
add the printer by clicking the Install entry on the action bar.
The printer appears in the list displayed on the screen (for
example, QMS_080086000001).
2 Use the appropriate section below to create a print queue
and assign it to the printer.
If you’re using OS/2 version 2.
, skip to the next section.
Add a Printer
1 With the Print Manager open, from the Setup menu choose
2 In the Printers dialog box, choose Add...
The Add Printer (or Change Printer) dialog box appears.
3 In the Name field, type the printer name (o nly if you are add-
ing a printer).
The printer name is local to the workstation and is used to
associate queues with physical printers. It can be the same
as the name used at the printer.
4 In the Device box, select the printer’s pipe name.
Pipe names have the form \PIPE\QMS_
the printer’s default hardware address or the printer name
set in the “Interface Configuration” section, earlier in this