Chapter 3:Configuring and Managing FiberLinX
This chapter details the steps you must complete to configure and manage
your FiberLinX.

Required Management Configuration Steps

In order for the installed FiberLinX to be managed using iView or another
network management software (NMS) application, the following steps need
to be completed:
1) Hardware installation of FiberLinX (see Chapter 2).
2) Assign IP information (i.e., IP address, subnet mask and, if desired,
default gateway) to FiberLinX using either the units serial port or
HUBCTRL32. (More on this later in this chapter.)
3) Installation of iView or another SNMP network management
software package on the management PC.
4) Integration of IMC Networks MIB files into the SNMP management
software. (NOTE: If using iView, this will be done for you
automatically. Otherwise, refer to your NMSs documentation and
see the section If NOT Using iView later in this chapter for
integration assistance.)

Assigning IP Information to FiberLinX

In order to manage FiberLinX, it is first necessary to give it an IP address so
that is accessible via SNMP. There are two ways to assign IP information to
using HUBCTRL32 (need Windows 98/NT)
via the units serial port
Besides assigning an IP address and subnet mask, both methods will also
allow you to create community strings, assign access rights, send traps and
more. However, HUBCTRL32 offers more options than the serial port
method (e.g., you can select which traps to assign with HUBCTRL32).