usewith mountedwheelsand shall notbe usedwithothertype grindingwheelsunlessa properwheel guard, recommendedby the grindermanufacturer,isattachedto thegrinder.See ”GrindingWheelMountingInstructions”, page Other5. size colletinserts(1/8” or 3/16”) or other collet assemblies listed on page 9can be furnished theabovelistedmodels.
Theabove listedgrinder modelsthat are furnishedwith optionalarbor assembly36934,mustalso be equippedwithwheel guard44451 (2”maximumwheeldiameter). Arbor assembly 36934 is for USe with type 1
Theabove listedgrinder modelsthat are furnishedwith optionalconewheel adapter37292-( )are for usewith types 16, 17, 18, 18Rand 19cone and plugwheelsand shall not be usedwith other type grinding wheels unless a proper wheel guard, recommendedby the grinder manufacturer,is attached to the grinder.See “Grinding Wheel Mounting Instructions”,page 5 and “Accessories”section, page 9.
Safe and efficient operation ofyour ARO grinderbestcanbe attainedby observing proper operating, inspection and maintenance procedures. Allow only competent and qualified people to operate grinder and subject each grinder to a regular inspection and maintenance procedure. The qualified grinder operator must be carefully instructedin the safe operation and use of the grinder,includinga study of the manufacturer’sliterature.The grinder operator should have a good attitude regarding
Operator Safety Equipment.The grinder operator shall wear safety goggles or faceshieldat all times the grinder is turned on. Otherprotectiveclothingshall be wornif necessaryfor spark deflection.Respiratorsshall be used in poorly venti- lated areas. Adjacent personnel shall be protected from grinding sparks and wheel fragments by protective barriers.
Starting and StoppingBefore. starting agrinder,the operator shall make surethat noone is in the unguardedplane ofwheel rotation.Upon mountinga newwheel, grindershall be runat operating speed with the safety guard in place or in a pro- tected enclosurefor at least one minute beforeapplying the wheel to the work. Check speed and balance of wheel.
Beforea grinder is put down, the throttle shall be released and the wheel shall come to a stop. Tool rests, hangers or balancers are recommended.
marked on the wheel, blotters or packaging, shall equal or exceed the rated speed stamped on the grinder.
At each wheel change, Aro recommendsthe free speed be checked by compe- tent authorized personnel, using a good reliable tachometer,to assure that the maximumtoolspeed is lowerthan manufacturersratedspeedforthe wheelto be used. A speed check shall never be made with grinding wheel on the grinder.
Grinders shall not be operated at a speed exceeding its rated speed.
If a wire brush shouldever be used with this tool; insure the speed rating of the brushis greaterthan the speed ofthe toolthe brushis to be usedwithand insure the brushconformsto applicable safety standards. Becertain the brushis com- patible with mounting of the tool. Always use a wheel guard.
Useonly wheels with adequate speed ratings. The maximumoperating speed | Use recommendedguard. |
Some of themorecommon causes of wheelbreakage are: Improper mountingof thewheels,improperspeeds,abusiveoperationandcarelesshandling.
DO | and | DON’T |
Doalwayshandleand storewheels in a careful manner(handlewith due | Don’t use a wheelthat has beendropped. | |
regard,grinding wheelsarefragile). |
| Don’tforceawheelontothespindleor alterthesizeofthe mounting.Ifthe |
Grindingwheelsshall bestoredin protectiveracksor containersandpro- | wheelwon’t fit the spindle, get onethat will. | |
tectedfrom moistureand temperatureextremes. |
| Don’t use mountingflangeson which the bearingsurfacesarenot clean |
Dovisually inspect all wheels beforemounting for possible damageIn | and flat, | |
transit. |
| Don’t tighten the mounting nut excessively.lighten only sufficiently to |
Docheck maximumoperating speedestablishedfor the wheel against | drive the wheel and preventslippage. | |
grinders speed. |
| Don’tgrind onthe sideof thewheelunlesswheelis specifically designed |
Do check mounting flanges for correct size and design (see “Accessorles”forthat purpose. | ||
page11. |
| Don’t start the grinder until the wheel guard is in place. |
Douse mounting blotters supplied with wheelswhereapplicable. |
| Don’tjamthe wheelInto the work. |
Dobe suretool is kept in first class operatingcondition. |
| Don’t stand directly in front of a grinding wheel whenevera grinder Is |
Doalwaysusea guardcovering at least 1/2of the grinding wheel. |
| started. |
Doallow newly mountedwheels,with guardin place,to run at operating | Don’t grind materialfor which the wheel is not designed. | |
speedfor at leastone minute beforegrinding. |
| Grinding In groovesmaybe hazardous. |
Doalwayswearsafetyglassesor goggleswhen grinding. |
Doalwaysobserveall safety rules when operatingor handling portable |
| |
grinders. |