# Description
1Switchbetween uppercase or lowercaseletters.
2Switchbetween number/symbol or textmode.
3Speakto convert your voiceto text.
4Changekeyboard language.SeeSelect your language
(on page28).
5Closethe keyboard.
6Touchand hold any key with "..." for more options.
Touchto delete a character.
Touchand hold to delete allcharacters to the left of the
lToinsert a character, touchthe character to the left of where you want it, then usethe
keyboardto type.
lTodelete a character, touchto the right of it, then touch the deletekey (7).
lWhenyou don’t need the keyboard,press atthe bottom of the screen to closeit.
lToadjust keyboard soundsettings, see Adjust system sounds (on page27).
Toprotect your tablet and personaldata, only download apps
fromtrusted sources.
Youmust connect to the Internetto download apps. See Connect to a Wi-Fi network (on
page31)for more information.
1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Play Store.
2. Searchfor an app or browse the categoriesto find apps, then follow the on-screen
instructionsto install.
lIfa third-party applicationdoes not work on your tablet,
contactthe app developerfor more information.
lSeeUn install apps (on page54) for information on
permanentlydeletingan app.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT07 7" Wi-FiAndroid™ Tablet