4. Entera subject in the subjectfield (optional).
5. Enteryour message, then touchSend w henyou are finished.
TouchSave draft or the R eturn keyto save your email as a
draft.To access your drafts, touch inthe upper-left
corner,then touch Drafts.
Create and manage contactslOnthe home screen, touch ,then People.You can:
lTouch tosearchfor a contact.
lTouch toadd a new contact.
lTouch toedit a contact's information.
lTouch toview more options.
Use the calendarlOnthe home screen, touch , then Calendar.
lTouchthe drop-down menu in the upper-leftcorner to change the view.
lTouch toselect today's date.
lTouch toadd a new event.
lTouch toview more options.
Work with photos and videoLearnhow to take pictures and videowith your tablet. Then, learn how to view andedit them
beforesharing with your friends and family.
SeeView photosand video (on page47)for information on
howto view your pictures.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT07 7" Wi-FiAndroid™ Tablet