lGmail (Googlemail) lets youcheck email from yourGoogle account without loggingin on
theGoogle website.
Thissection providesinformation about settingup and using your Email account. See Use
Gmail™ (on page42) for informationabout the Gmail application.
SET UP AN EMAIL ACCOUNT1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Email.The Email application opens.
2. Followthe on-screen instructionsto set up your account.
MANAGE EMAIL ACCOUNTSAdd an additional email account
Youcan also add additionaluser accounts. See Add a new
user account (on page17).
1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Settings.
2. UnderAC COUNTS, touchA dd account.
3. Followthe on-screen instructionsto set up your account.
Delete an email account
1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Settings.
2. UnderAC COUNTS, touch theyour email account type (Corporate,Google, or IMAP).
3. Touchthe account youw ant todelete.
4. Touch , then Remove account.
5. TouchRemove account.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT07 7" Wi-Fi Android™ Tablet