Change email account settings
1. Onthe home screen, touch ,then Email.
2. Touch ,then Settings.
3. Changeyour email account settingsas needed.
VIEW AN EMAILlOnthe home screen, touch ,then Email.
Ifyou have more than one emailaccount, the last account
youused opens. To opena different account, touch inthe
upper-leftcorner, then selecta different account.
lDragyour finger up and down to scrollthrough your emails.
lTouchan email to open it.
lTouch in the upper-left corner to displayfolders or select a different emailaccount.
lTouch to search.
lTouchand hold an emailto select it and displayoptions to delete, markas read or
unread,or move to a folder.
lTouch tocompose a new email.S ee Create an email (on the facing page).
InsigniaNS-1 5AT07 7" Wi-FiAndroid™ Tablet