A license is required for outdoor use for operation in 2.4 GHz band.
The use of these equipments is regulated by:
- D.L.gs 1.8.2003, n. 259, article 104 (activity subject to general authorization) for outdoor use and article 105
(free use) for indoor use, in both cases for private use.
- D.M. 28.5.03, for supply to public of RLAN access to networks and telecom services.
L’uso degli apparati è regolamentato da:
- D.L.gs 1.8.2003, n. 259, articoli 104 (attività soggette ad autorizzazione generale) se utilizzati al di fuori del
proprio fondo e 105 (libero uso) se utilizzati entro il proprio fondo, in entrambi i casi per uso privato;
- D.M. 28.5.03, per la fornitura al pubblico dell’accesso R-LAN alle reti e ai servizi di telecomunicazioni.
2.4 GHz OFDM (802.11g) is not allowed at this time.
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Approved
Radio approvals
To determine whether you are allowed to use your wireless network device in a specific country, please check to
see if the radio type number that is printed on the identification label of your device is listed in the manufacture
OEM Regulatory Guidance document.