Intel 82830M GMCH, 82854 GMCH manual Icegdescapesetpdattributes, Icegdescapegetavailpdattributes

Models: 82830M GMCH 82854 GMCH

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Input Data Structure

Output Data Structure




Only a single attribute can be set per call.


This escape code is used to set Port Driver attributes. It is always called after the attribute list filled by


The attribute list is different between different cards. If you want to make sure whether the attribute could be supported by the card, you can use ICEGD_ESCAPE_GET_AVAIL_PD_ATTRIBUTES to get the supported attribute list and check with it.

String attributes are read only.


Please refer to the following instructions for modify example code below for other PD attribute types at the place holder with the marks about // (1) (2) (3)

/* if the type is PD_ATTR_TYPE_LIST, the lines with (//(1), (2) and (3)) should be

replaced as below:


igd_list_attr_t *list;


list = (igd_list_attr_t *) current;


list->current_index = 2;


if the type is PD_ATTR_TYPE_BOOL, the lines with (//(1), (2) and (3)) should be

replaced as below:


igd_bool_attr_t *bool;


bool = (igd_bool_attr_t *) current;


bool->current_value = arg_attr_value;




32Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0

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Intel 82830M GMCH, 82854 GMCH manual Icegdescapesetpdattributes, Icegdescapegetavailpdattributes