Intel 82830M GMCH, 82854 GMCH manual Feature Summary, GMCHs, Base Features

Models: 82830M GMCH 82854 GMCH

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2 Feature Summary


The Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver supports the following Graphic Memory Controller Hubs:

Intel® 82830M GMCH

Intel® 82854 GMCH

2.1.1Base Features Base Features

The Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver includes support for:

DirectDraw 2D APIs, including: DdCreateSurface, DdDestroySurface, DdLock, DdBlt and DdAlphaBlt, and DdUnlock.

DirectDraw Video APIs, including: DdCreateSurface, DdDestroySurface, DdSetColorKey, DdLock, DdUpdateOverlay, DdSetOverlayPosition, DdFlip, and DdUnlock.

DDGPE APIs, which extend GPE classes to support DirectDraw.

GDI APIs, including hardware accelerated BLT support: color fill, source copy, stretch, and system to video memory.

Power Management, including support for Full On and Suspend (OS power states D0 and D4).

ExtEscape interface – installed in the Extras\src\inc folder by the display driver MSI.

Dynamic memory configuration – for when the amount of video memory is not a significant concern. This model has no limit on the amount of video memory that can be allocated in the system, besides the amount of available memory.

8Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0

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Intel 82830M GMCH, 82854 GMCH manual Feature Summary, GMCHs, Base Features