IntelP®P Server Board S3420GP TPS Glossary

Revision 1.0

Intel order number E65697-003



This appendix contains important terms used in this document. For ease of use, numeric entries

are listed first (for example, “82460GX”) followed by alpha entries (for example, “AGP 4x”).

Acronyms are followed by non-acronyms.

Term Definition
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
AP Application Processor
APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Control
ARP Address Resolution Protocal
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASMI Advanced Server Management Interface
BIOS Basic Input / Output System
BIST Built-In Self Test
BMC Baseboard Management Controller
Bridge Circuitry connecting one computer bus to another, allowing an agent on one to access the other
BSP Bootstrap Processor
Byte 8-bit quantity
CBC Chassis Bridge Controller (A microcontroller connected to one or more other CBCs, together they
bridge the IPMB buses of multiple chassis.
CEK Common Enabling Kit
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CMOS Complementary Metal-oxide-semiconductor
In terms of this specification, this describes the PC-AT compatible region of battery-backed 128 bytes
of memory, which normally resides on the server board.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocal
DPC Direct Platform Control
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface
EMP Emergency Management Port
EPS External Product Specification
ESB2 Enterprise South Bridge 2
FBD Fully Buffered DIMM
F MB Flexible Mother Board
FRB Fault Resilient Booting
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
FSB Front Side Bus
GB 1024 MB
GPA Guest Physical Address
GPIO General Purpose I/O
GTL Gunning Transceiver Logic
HPA Host Physical Address
HSC Hot-swap Controller
Hz Hertz (1 cycle / second)
PC Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus
IA IntelP
P Architecture
IBF Input Buffer