IntelPĀ®P Server Board S3420GP TPS Glossary
Revision 1.0 Intel order number E65697-003 121
Term Definition
PSMI Power Supply Management Interface
PWM Pulse-Width Modulation
QPI QuickPath Interconnect
RAM Random Access Memory
RASUM Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Usability, and Manageability
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computing
RMII Reduced Media-Independent Interface
ROM Read Only Memory
RTC Real-Time Clock (Component of ICH peripheral chip on the server board)
SDR Sensor Data Record
SECC Single Edge Connector Cartridge
SEEPROM Serial Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
SEL System Event Log
SIO Server Input / Output
SMBUS System Management BUS
SMI Server Management Interrupt (SMI is the highest priority non-maskable interrupt)
SMM Server Management Mode
SMS Server Management Software
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SPS Server Platform Services
SSE2 Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
SSE3 Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
SSE4 Streaming SIMD Extensions 4
TBD To Be Determined
TDP Thermal Design Power
TIM Thermal Interface Material
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface
URS Unified Retention System
UTC Universal time coordinare
VID Voltage Identification
VRD Voltage Regulator Down
VT Virtualization Technology
Word 16-bit quantity
WS-MAN Web Services for Management
ZIF Zero Insertion Force