
Hardware Protocol
The printer uses Ready/Busy and DTR (data terminal ready) of
the RS-232C interface to indicate the printer’s status. You can
configure Ready/Busy and DTR independent of each other and
independent of the software protocol you select for the serial
port. You can set each pin to one of these four settings: default,
high, flow control, and Ready/Busy.
When you set the pin to high, it stays high as long as the printer
is powered up.
When you set the pin to flow control, the pin is high when the
printer status is ready. The pin is held low when the printer is
offline or if the buffer is full.
When you set the pin to Ready/Busy, the pin is high when the
printer status is ready. The pin is held low when the printer is in
one of these conditions:
Buffer full
No label stock
Ribbon fault
Label at strip pin
When you set the pin to default, it uses flow control if the serial
port is set for XON/XOFF protocol. If you are using Intermec
Standard protocol, the printer uses Ready/Busy.
User-Defined Protocol
The printer provides the capability to change protocol characters.
However, users may not define their own protocol. You can
substitute characters you want to use as protocol characters, but
the rules for the chosen protocol do not change. The printer does
not use any protocol characters that you replace with the NUL
character. One table of protocol characters exists. You may
redefine these characters to create a table that all of the protocols
can use. One possibility for the user to redefine protocol
characters might be the replacement of control characters with
printable characters.