External input will not | Incorrect power adapter. | Check that power adapter |
power device (Cont.). |
| used within specification for |
| operating voltage of external |
| power supply. Call your |
| Home Health Care Dealer |
| or Service Representative |
"Low" battery light | Battery life expired. | Check battery |
comes on too soon after |
| manufacturer's |
battery replacement. |
| expiration date. See |
| Prolonging the Life of the |
| Battery in the MAINTE- |
| NANCE Section of this |
| manual. Call your Home |
| Health Care Dealer or |
| Service Representative |
External power adapter | Jack or plug damaged. | Call your Home Health |
plug does not go into |
| Care Dealer or Service |
jack in unit. |
| Representative |
| Refer to SPECIFICATION | |
| plug. | Section for external |
| power adapter connector |
| size. |
Unit pulses at times | Unit may be in backup | Check if YELLOW and |
other than inhalation. | Pulse Mode. | GREEN O2 LEDS illumi- |
| nate. If so, see indicator |
| description in this section. |
| Call your Home Health |
| Care Dealer or Service |
| Representative |
Continuous flow out of | Operating pressure of | Verify compatibility of |
cannula when in pulse | oxygen supply source too | model and pressure. |
mode. | high. | Call your Home Health |
| Care Dealer or Service |
| Representative |
NOTE: If any of the above problems occur and the solutions do not work, please contact your Invacare Home Health Care Dealer for service.
PART NO. 1093845 | 25 | VENTURE™ |