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6. List Window
ShareScope Plus and Pro list windows have several important extra features
and functions.
When you are connected to the intraday feed, incoming prices flash in the
window as data is received. As the default setting, intraday prices will flash
green when a price has risen, yellow if the price stays the same, and red if the
price drops.
Prices can be displayed in pounds or pence with up to three decimal places: right
click over any price column heading (mid, bid or trade etc.) and select Numeric
display from the context menu. Of course, currencies other than pounds can
apply if the share is listed on an overseas exchange.
In this window you can also view micrographs. These visually enhance your
display and provide a variety of information, including the share mid price, the
ratio of buy and sell trades and the bid-offer spread. More details on micrographs
are available on pages 25 and 26.