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9. Trades and Quotes List
The Trades and quotes list allows you to view all the trade and price movements
for a share during the current trading day. Select Window : New Window :
Trades and quotes. To view a list of Trades and quotes for a particular share,
you can either use the Find A Share function (type the first few letters of the
share you are looking for) or you can link the Trades and quotes window to
another window (see Linking Windows on page 11). The trades and/or quotes
for the selected share in the linked window will be shown.

Trades or Quotes

ShareScope Plus and Pro can display the movements of both the price of each
trade and the mid, bid and offer prices.
Right clicking over the window displays a context menu that allows you to
select the information you want displayed. If you want to see trades select
Trades from the context menu. If you wish to see changes to the mid, bid, and
offer prices select Quotes. If you want to see both in the same window select
Trades and quotes.
Trade information is not applicable to indices (such as the FTSE 100, S&P 500
or FTSE AIM) and will not be displayed.