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Price Ticker Display
You can adjust the information and display of the price ticker window by right
clicking over the ticker and selecting Ticker design…. You can also select
Ticker : Ticker design… when the ticker window is selected.
In the ticker design dialog box that appears, you have a number of options
from which to choose, enabling you to set the price ticker to display exactly the
information you want to see.
At the top are the Speed settings, the first being Variable speed. With
this option selected, the ticker speed will vary according to the amount
of data flowing through. Next is Constant speed; with this selected,
you can adjust the speed irrespective of the amount of data coming
in. Adjust the constant speed by using the range slider to the right.
If you tick the Discard data older than 15 seconds box, ShareScope will ignore
any data not yet visible on the ticker that is older than 15 seconds.
Below this are two colour buttons, No data background and Excess data
background. The first allows you to select a background colour for where there
is no data coming through. The second allows you to select a background colour
for data older than 15 seconds, unless you have already chosen to discard data
older than 15 seconds (see above).