Press ENTER and select “Set Time & Site
Press ENTER. A time and site information screen will be displayed:
Set Local Time
The time will be updated automatically when the GPS receiver has established its link with the GPS
satellites. You also can manually input the time information in case GPS does not function. Use the ◄ or ►
key to move the cursor _ and use the number keys to change the numbers. Use the ▲ or ▼ button to
toggle between “Y” and “N” for Daylight Saving Time. Hold the arrow key to fast forward or rewind the
In order to make the Hand Controller reflect your correct local time, time zone information has to
be entered. Press the ◄ or ► key, move the cursor to the third line “300 Min. behind UT” to set the time
zone information (add or subtract 60 minutes per time zone). Enter minutes “ahead of” or “behind” UT
(universal time). For Example,
Boston is 300 minutes “behind” UT
Los Angeles is 480 minutes “behind” UT
Rome is 60 minutes “ahead of” UT
Beijing is 480 minutes “ahead of” UT
Sydney is 600 minutes “ahead of” UT
All the time zones in North America are behind UT, as shown in the following table. So make sure it
shows “behind” instead of “ahead of” UT.
Time Zone Hawaii Alaska Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
Hour behind UT -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5
Enter Minutes 600 540 480 420 360 300
2014-03-09 10:19:18
Daylight Saving Time Y
300 Min. behind UT
Latitude: N42d30m32s
Northern Hemisphere
Set Time & Site
Set Display and Beep
Set Guiding Rate
Set Tracking Rate
Set Parking Position
Meridian Treatment
Tracking Below Horizon
Set Eyepiece Light
Select and Slew
Sync. to Target
Electric Focuser
PEC Options
Telescope Motion
Edit User Ob