4. Getting Started
In order to experience the full GOTO capability of GOTONOVA® technology it is very important to set
up the mount correctly before observation.

4.1. Setting the Mount and Performing Polar Alignment

Assemble your CEM60 mount according to Section 3.2. Make sure the mount is leveled. Turn the
mount power switch on. When the GPS receiver is connected to satellites, the hand controller LCD will
display GPS OK. The mount will have correct time and site information. You can also enter them manually
as described before. Mount an OTA and accessories, and carefully balance the mount on both R.A. and
DEC axes. Polar align the mount using either the Quick Polar Alignment or BrightStar Polar Alignment
When the mount is powered on, the default position for the mount should be the Zero Position, i.e.
the counterweight shaft is pointing to ground, telescope is at the highest position with its axis parallel to the
polar axis and the telescope is pointing to the North Celestial Pole, if you are located in northern
hemisphere. If the mount is not at the zero position, release the gear switches to adjust the mount to
approximately the zero position.
The exception for a mount to be not at the Zero Position is when the mount is switched on after it
was parked before powering off (MENU => “Telescope Motion” => “Park Scope” )

4.2. Manual Operation of the Mount

The mount can now be used to observe astronomical objects with the HC. Use arrow keys (►, ◄,
, and ) to point the telescope to the desired object. Use the number keys to change the slewing speed.
Press the STOP/0 button to start tracking.

4.3. One Star Alignment

Make sure the mount is at the ZERO position by pressing MENU => “Goto Zero Position”. Release
R.A. and DEC gear switches to manually adjust the mount to the zero position. Perform a “One Star Align
to correct the Zero Position discrepancy.
To perform “One Star Align,” press MENU button, scroll down to “Align”, select “One Star Align
and press ENTER. The hand controller will display a list of bright objects for you to select from. Select an
object using ▲ or ▼ key. Then press ENTER. After the mount slews to the target, use the arrow keys to
center it in your eyepiece. Then press ENTER. (More align details in 5.4)

4.4. Go to the Moon and Other Stars

Now the mount is ready for GOTO and tracking targets. One of the most common objects is the
Press MENU, select and ENTER “Select and Slew”. Select a category (for example, “Solar
System”), then select an object of interest (for example, “Moon”). Press ENTER and the telescope will
slew to the object and automatically start tracking. If the target is not centered in your eyepiece, use the
arrow keys to center it. Then use MENU => “Sync to Target” for better performance.