QuietPower 1800 Inverter Owner’s Manual Rev 15 OCT 01 Page 10
· QuietPower model number (1800 watt)
· Input Voltage, Output Voltage and Frequency configuration
· POWERSAVE mode OFF (factory set default)
Following the display of this information, the control panel then defaults to the standard display
information of input voltage, input current and output power. When a load is connected, t he output power
(watts) is displayed in bar-graph form.
Once the standard display screen is shown, the QuietPower Inverter is ready to deliver AC power to your
loads. You can now plug in a load to the front outlet of the unit. The loads should operate from the
inverter as they would from utility power. Section 4.5 explains the operating limits for the QuietPo wer
4.4 QuietPower POWERSAVE ModeYour QuietPower Inverter has a function mode called POW ERSAVE. This “sleep” mode shuts off much
of the power control circuitry of the QuietPower Inverter as well as the display back-lighting, reducing the
standby current draw considerably. With this mode enabled, the unit dr aws approximately 1.5 watts while
powered up but with no load on the inverter. The QuietPower Inverter detects th e presence of a load by
sending out pulses approximately once every 2.5 seconds. Full output power is available with the
detection of a load. The unit will remain in POWERSAVE mode if the load it detects is less than 10W for
the QuietPower 1000 and less than 20W for the QuietPower 1800. This is a factory set search mode
setting and cannot be changed.
You would want to enable POWERSAVE mode if the inverter is onl y being used periodically to power
loads. This allows the inverter to draw less power from the batteries during non-use periods. If the
inverter is being used frequently and your batteries are being recharge d during inverter use (e.g. vehicle
alternator), or soon after inverter use, you can leave POWERSAVE d isabled.
Your QuietPower is factory default set to POWERSAVE OFF. To en able the POWERSAVE mode, follow
these steps:
I) Turn the Control Panel switch to ‘0’ position
2) Switch the unit back to ‘|’ position. You will see the power-up inform ation being displayed as
described previously (model number and voltage/frequency configur ation)
3) When the Control Panel displays “POWERSAVE OFF” turn the s witch to ‘0’ position, wait for
approximately 3 seconds, and then turn the switch back to ‘|’ position ag ain. “POWERSAVE ON” will
now be displayed during the start-up sequence and when the normal state display app ears, a small
pointer will be visible, indicating POWERSAVE mode is enabled. Fol low the same procedure for
disabling POWERSAVE mode.
4.5 Inverter Operating Limits and Protection FeaturesPower Output: The QuietPower 1800 delivers 1800 watts continuousl y. The following table displays the
continuous and peak current ratings as well as surge rating:
Table 1. Operating Limitations.
Model Cont inuous AC Output
Current Rating
Peak AC Output Current
Surge Rating (max. watts delivered
for 5 seconds)
QP-1800 15A 45A 2900W
The unit above will be able to operate all AC loads rated at or below these power ratings. Some high
horsepower induction motors used in pumps and other motor-operated equipment require very high surge
currents to start and the QuietPower Inverter battery combination m ay have difficulty starting these loads.