QuietPower 1800 Inverter Owner’s Manual Rev 15 OCT 01 Page 11
If you have problems with certain loads, ensure that battery connections are solid, your DC cables are
appropriately sized, and that the battery is of sufficient capacit y and fully charged.
Input Voltage: The QuietPower Inverter operates from an input voltage ran ging from 20 to 32 VDC.
Peak performance for these inverters occurs when DC input volt age is in the range of 24 volts to 30 volts
for 24V models. The QuietPower Inverter will indicate high and low DC voltage conditions as follows:
Table 2. System Trip Voltages.
Model DC Input
Over Voltage
DC Input
Over Voltage
DC Input
Under Voltage
DC Input
Under Voltage
QP-1800 31.6 VDC 32.0 VDC 21.0 VDC 20.0 VDC
The over-voltage protection and shutdown protects the inverter agains t excessive in put voltage, should
the unit be connected to a higher voltage than it is designed for (up to 35 VDC - higher voltages ma y
cause damage). Low input voltage shutdown protects your battery from being over-discharged. The
QuietPower Inverter requires a manual reset to re-start after shutdo wn from either high or low input
voltage. Turn the power switch to ‘0’ and then back to ‘|’ to re-start the unit.
Output Overload Protection: A short circuit may be applied to the output con tinuously without damage to
any internal components. The QuietPower Inverter will sh utdown in less than five seconds when the
output falls 10% below the nominal voltage as a result of current lim iting.
Input Reverse Polarity Protection: the internal circuitry of the QuietPo wer Inverter is protected by an
internal, 32V, fast-blow fuse. This fuse is only replaceable by qualified service personnel. In many
reverse polarity conditions, this fuse will protect internal circuits, h owever, certain high voltage/current
situations may cause internal damage.
5 Testing
The following simple test procedure should ensure that the QuietPower Inverter is connected and
installed properly.
To test the QuietPower Inverter:
1. Double check all wiring terminals on the inverter to observe corr ect polarity and secure connections.
2. Turn rocker switch to ‘I’ position.
3. Observe the power-u p sequence on the display. The normal-state inverter display of input current
and input voltage should come up.
4. Plug a test load (e.g. a light bulb) into the outlet of the QuietPower Inverter. The load should function
normally. Observe the output power bar graph - it should increase with lo ad demand,
5. Repeat Test 4 with the QuietPower in “Powersave” mode.
6. The QuietPower Inverter is now ready for operation