2.10 Installing Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows XP
If you just want to install Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows XP
2.11 Installing Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows XP
If you want to install Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows XP
Before installing Windows 2000 to your system, your disk is supposed to include SP4. If there is no SP4 included in your disk, please visit the below website for proper procedures of making a SP4 disk: http://www.microsoft.com/Windows2000/downloads/servicepacks/sp4/ spdeploy.htm#the_integrated_installation_fmay
STEP 1: Make a SATA / SATAII Driver Diskette.
A. | Insert the ASRock Support CD into your optical drive to boot your system. |
B.During POST at the beginning of system
C.When you see the message on the screen, “Do you want to generate Serial ATA driver diskette [YN]?”, press <Y>.
D.Then you will see these messages,
Please insert a diskette into the floppy drive. WARNING! Formatting the floppy diskette will lose ALL data in it!
Start to format and copy files [YN]?
Please insert a floppy diskette into the floppy drive, and press <Y>.
E.The system will start to format the floppy diskette and copy SATA /
SATAII drivers into the floppy diskette.
STEP 2: Set Up BIOS.
| Advanced screen |
| IDE Configuration. |
B.Set the “SATAII Operation Mode” option from
STEP 3: Use “RAID Installation Guide” to set RAID configuration.
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