Dual-Tone-Multi-Frequency. The use of two simultaneous audio band tones
for dialing.
Acronym for the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative
Committee. An international organization that decides upon recommended
communication protocol standards. Also see ITU-T.
International Telecommunication Union-Telecom. Formerly CCITT.

Technical tips

1. Make sure the modem card is fully insert into the expansion slot.
2. Check to make sure that the phone and line cables connected to the
correct jacks on the back of the modem.
Some communications software packages allow you to set the initialization
(INIT), dialing, hang-up, and auto answer command strings. In doing so,
you may encounter problems with the following commands:
E0 The use of this command results in an apparent loss of command
echo from the modem.
Solution: Change the command to E1(Default).
M0 This command disables the monitor speaker, not allowing you to
monitor either the dialing or call progress.
Solution: Change the command to M1(Default).
Q1 When this command set, the modem will not return any result code.
Change the command to Q0(Default).
Sn=x This command is use to directly set an S-register value. Some
registrars were well define (i.e. S0.) Other registrars are bit-mapped
and their operation will vary depending on the modem type and
configuration. Typically, S-registers store parameters set by other AT