Z1 Soft reset and reload active profile from stored profile 1.
&Cn DCD (Data Carrier Detect) option (Default=1)
&C0 Ignore remote modem status; DCD allways on
&C1 DCD set according to remote modem status
Command Description
&Dn DTR(Data Terminal Ready) option, (Default=2)
&D0 In async mode, modem ignores the status of DTR .
&D1 Modem switches from data mode to command mode when an
on-to-off transition of DTR occurs.
&D2 If the DTR signal goes off, then the modem disconnects and
disables auto-answer mode. Auto-answer is enabled when the
DTR signal is on.
&D3 Turning off DTR re-initializes the modem and resets values
except UART registers
&Fn Restore Factory Default Configuration
&Gn Guard tone option (1200 bps and 2400 bps only)
&G0 Disables guard tone
&G1 Enables 550Hz guard tone
&G2 Enables 1800Hz guard tone
&Kn Flow Control (Data Default=3, Fax Default=6)
&K0 Disables flow control.
&K3 Enables bidirectional hardware flow control (RTS/CTS)
&K4 Enables Xon/Xoff software flow control.
&M0 Communication mode control-asynchronized mode only
&Pn Dial pulse ratio
&P0 Sets 10-pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make-break
&P1 Sets 10-pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make-break
&Q0 Communication mode control-asynchronized mode only
&Sn DSR (Data Set Ready) Option (Default=0)
&S0 DSR will remain ON at all times.
&S1 DSR will become active only during handshaking and the
carrier is lost.
&Tn Self-test commands (Default=0)
&T0 Terminate test in progress.
&T1 Initiate Local Analog Loopback.
&T3 Initiate Local Digital Loopback.
&T4 Grants RDL request from remote modem