Command Description
&Vn View active and stored profiles (Default=0)
&V0 View stored profile 0
&V1 View stored profile 1
&V3 View relay and GPIO status
&Wn Store active profile
&W0 Store the current configuration into the User Profile 0.
&W1 Store the current configuration into the User Profile 1.
&Yn Select stored profile on power up (Default=0)
&Y0 Set User Profile 0 to default on power up
&Y1 Set User Profile 1 to default on power up.
&Zn=x Store Telephone Numbers (up to 30 digits) to location n (0 - 3)
x=0-9 A-D # * T P R W @ , ! ;
%En Auto-Retrain Control (Default=1)
%E0 Disables auto-retrain.
%E1 Enables auto-retrain.
%Gn Rate renegotiation
%G0 Disables Rate renegotiation
%G1 Enables Rate renegotiation
%L Reserved by manufacture
-Cn Generate data modem calling tone
-C0 Calling tone disabled
-C1 1300 Hz calling tone enabled
-C2 V.8 calling tone and 1300 Hz calling tone
+GMI? Identify modem manufacture
+GMM? Identify product model
+GMR? Identify product revision
+MS=m Select Modulation (Default +MS=V.34, 1, 300, 0) (see note)
This extended format command selects the modulation,
optionally enables or disables automode, and optionally
specifies the lowest and highest connection rates using up to
four sub-parameters.
This command replaces the Nn and S37 register functions:
+MS=<carrier>[, [<automode>][, [<min_rate>][,