AT Commands

Table 1. Basic AT Commands
Command Description
A/ Repeat the last AT command string issued.
An β€œAT” prefix is not used. Do not terminate this command
with <ENTER>.
AT= x Write to selected S-register.
AT? Read selected S-register.
Go off-hook and enter the answer mode. After 3 seconds the
modem will initiate an answer tone.
Bn Bell/CCITT (Default=1)
B0 Use CCITT V.22 at 1200 bps, and CCITT V.21at 300 bps
B1 Use Bell 212A at 1200 bps, Bell 103 at 300 bps.
Dn Dial number n (Default=T)
0-9 Digits 0 to 9, Touch-tone or Pulse dialing.
*The star digit (Touch-tone only.)
#The gate digit (Touch-tone only.)
A-D Digits A, B, C and D: (Touch-tone only.)
PPulse dialing.
RReverse originate mode
S=n Dial the stored number(NVRAM), n=0 to 3. (See &Z)
TTouch-tone dialing.
WWait for dial tone. The modem will abort if the dial
tone is not detected within the time specified by S7.
@Wait for quiet answer.
!Flash. hook
,Pause; the modem will pause for a time specified by S8
before dialing the digits following β€œ,”
;Return to idle state
- ( ) Ignored by modem
En Command Echo (Default=l)
E0 Disables command echo from the modem.
E1 Enables command echo from the modem.
Hn Hook Switch Control (Default=0)
H0 Modem goes on-hook.