Jenn-Air CCE3451 manual Do NOT use aluminum foil or foil-type containers under any circumstances

Models: CCE3451 CCE3531 CVE3400 CCE3401

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•Do NOT use aluminum foil or foil-typecontainers under any circumstances.

Do NOT allow plastic objects,sugar, or foods with high sugar contentto melt onto the hot cooktop. Meltedmaterialscan cause permanentdamageto the cooktop. If you accidentallymelt anything onto the cooktop, or a sugary solution boils over, removeit immediatelywhilethecooktopis stillhot. Carefully,usea singleedgerazor bladeheld with a pot holderto scrape the meltedmaterial or sugary boilover to a coolerareaof thecooktop. Useseverallayersof papertowelto wipeupthespillover, beingcarefulnottoburnyourself. Whentheelementhascooled,usetherazorblade to scrape offthe remainingsoil andclean asyou would for heavyspills. (Seep. "t6.)

Do NOT use aluminum foil or foil-typecontainers under any circumstances.

Aluminumfoil will damage the cooktop if it melts onto the glass, If metal melts on cooktop,do not use. Call an autherizedJenn-Air Service Contractor.

Do NOT use the glass-ceramiccooktop as a cutting board.

Do NOTuseabrasivecleansingpowdersorscouringpads(includingmetalscouring pads), which will scratchthe cooktop.

Do NOT use chlorine bleach, ammonia, rust removers,oven cleaners, or other cleansernet specifically recommendedfor useon glass-ceramic.

Make sure bottomsof cookpotsare always clean and dry. (Soilfrom the cookpot bottom can be transferredto the cooktop surface.) Before using cookpots on the g/ass-ceramic cooktop for the first time, and periodically as needed, clean the bottomswith scouringpads or other cleansers. Rinseand dry thoroughly.

Make it a practice to wipe cooktop surface with a clean damp cloth or papertowel beforeeachuse; drythoroughly. Invisiblespatters,dustspecks,cleansersor water cancausestainsthat appearafterunitis heated. Aspongeor dishclothwhichis not

clean will leave film and soil laden detergent water which may cause stains on surfaceafter area is heated.

Whenfrying, use a spatter shield to reduce spattering.

Use correctcontrol settingsand cookware large enoughto holdfood and liquidto preventbelieversand spattering.

if abad spilloveroccurswhile cooking,spills maybecleanedfromthe cooktopwhile itis hotto preventatoughcleaningchorelater. Usingextremecare,wipewithaclean damptowel. Becarefultoavoidburnsfromsteamorhandstouchingthe hotcooktop.


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Jenn-Air CCE3451, CCE3401, CVE3400, CCE3531 manual Do NOT use aluminum foil or foil-type containers under any circumstances