
Trouble Possible Cause Solution

Sander will not start
1. Sander unplugged fr om wall
or motor
2. Fuse bl own or circuit breaker
3. Cord damaged
1. Check all pl ug c onnec tions
2. Replace fuse or reset cir c uit
3. Replace cord
Sanding disc does not come
up to speed
1. Ext ensi on c or d too li ght or
too long
2. Low current
1. Replace with adequate size
and length cor d
2. Contact a quali fi ed
Mach ine vibrat es excessivel y 1. Stand or base on uneven
1. Adjust stand or base so that
it rests evenl y on the floor
2. Bolt down
Sanded edge not square 1. Table not square t o sandi ng
disc 1. Use a square to adjust tabl e
to sandi ng disc
Sanding marks on wood
1. Work held still
2. Wrong gr it sandi ng disc
3. Feed pr essure too great
4. Sanding agai nst the grain
1. Keep workpi ec e moving
2. Use coarser gri t for st oc k
removal and fine grit for
fini sh sanding.
3. Never for c e workpiece
4. Sand wit h the grain