Wear eye pro t ect ion.
Always keep guard s in place an d in pro per operating condition. Do not operate the machine
without the guards for any reason.
This disc/belt sander is intended to be used with wood and wood products only. Use of this
disc/belt sander and a dust collector with metal products is a potential fire hazard.
Support the workpiece adequatel y at all times durin g operation; maint ain co ntro l of t he work at
all times.
This disc/belt sander is designed and intended for use by properly trained and experienced
personnel only. If you are not familiar with the proper and safe operation of a disc/belt sander ,
do not use until proper training and knowledge has been obtained.
REMOVE ADJUSTING KEYS AND WRENCHES. Form a habit of check ing t o see that keys and
adjust ing wrenches are removed fr om the m ac hine before turning it on.
KEEP THE WORK AREA CLEAN. Clut tered areas and benches invite accidents.
DON’ T USE IN A DANG E ROUS ENVIRONME NT. Don’t use power tool s i n damp or wet locations,
or expose them to r ain. K eep work ar ea well l ight ed.
KEEP CHILDREN AWAY. A ll visit or s should be kept a saf e distance fr om the work ar ea.
MAKE T HE WO RKS HOP KIDP ROOF with padl oc k s, master switc hes, or by removing star ter keys.
DON’ T FORCE THE M ACHINE. It will do the job better and safer at the r ate for which it was
USE T HE RIGHT TOOL. Don’t force a machine or attac hment to do a j ob for whic h it was not
USE THE PROPER EXTENSION CORD. Make sure your ext ension cord is in good condition.
When using an extension c or d, be sure to use one heavy enough to carry the curr ent your machine
will draw. An undersiz ed c or d will cause a drop in the line voltage resul ti ng in power loss and
over heating. The table following shows the correct si z e to use depending on t he c or d lengt h and
nam eplat e amper e r ating. If in doubt , use the nex t heavier gauge. Rem ember , the sm aller t he
gauge num ber, t he heavi er the cord.
Volts Total Length of Cord in Feet
120V 25 50 100 150
16 16 14 12
WEAR PROPER APPAREL. Do not wear loose cl othi ng, gloves, neckti es, r ings, brac elets, or other
jewel r y whic h may get caught in moving parts. Nonslip footwear i s recommended. Wear pr otective
hair covering to cont ain l ong hair.
ALWAYS USE SAFETY GL ASSES. Al so use face or dust masks if t he cutt ing operation is dusty.
Everyday ey eglasses only have im pac t resistant lenses; t hey ar e not safety glasses.
DON’ T OVERRE ACH. Keep pr oper footi ng and balance at all times.
MAINT AIN T OOLS WITH CARE. Keep tools sharp and clean for best and safest perform anc e.
Foll ow instr uctions for lubr icating and c hanging acc essories.