Grounding Instructions

Caution: This tool must be grounded while in use to protect the operator from electric shock.
In t he event of a mal function or break down, grounding provides a path of least resistanc e for elec tric
curr ent to r educ e the risk of el ec tric shock. Thi s tool is equipped wit h an electric cor d having an
equipment-grounding conduc tor and a grounding plug. The pl ug must be plugged into a matching outlet
that is properly install ed and gr ounded in acc or danc e with al l local codes and ordi nanc es.
Do not modify the pl ug pr ovided. If it will not fit the outlet, have the proper outlet install ed by a qualified
Improper connect ion of the equi pment-grounding conduc tor can r esult in a risk of el ec tric shock. The
conductor, wi th i nsul ati on having an outer surface that is green with or without y ellow stripes, is the
equipment-grounding conduc tor. If repair or r eplacement of t he electric cor d or plug is necessary, do not
connect the equipment- gr ounding conductor to a l ive terminal .
Check with a qual ified el ec trician or service per sonnel if the grounding i nstr uc ti ons are not c omplet ely
understood, or if in doubt as t o whether the tool is properl y gr ounded. Use only three wire extension
cords that have three-pr ong grounding plugs and thr ee- pole rec eptacles that ac c ept the tool ’s pl ug.
Repair or replace a damaged or worn cord immediately.

115 Volt Operation

As received from the factory, your sander is ready t o r un at 115 volt oper ati on. This sander, when wir ed
for 115 volt , i s intended for use on a circuit that has an outlet and a plug t hat l ook s like the one illustrated
in (A). A tempor ary adapter, whic h looks l ike the adapter as illustrated in (B), may be used to connect
this plug to a two-pol e r ec eptacle, as shown in (B) if a properly gr ounded outl et i s not available. The
temporary adapter should only be used until a pr oper ly gr ounded outl et can be instal led by a qualified
electrician. This adapter is not applicable in Canada. The gr een c olored r igid ear, lug, or tab,
ex tendi ng from the adapter , must be connected to a per manent ground such as a properly grounded
outlet box, as shown in (B ) .