FORTRAFORCE4G15 & G15+ RAID System InstallationGuide Rev A


The original product packaging has been tested and is safe under normal shipping
circumstances. Reshipping the product without using the original product
packaging will void the warranty. Do not ship the unit with canisters and/or
power supplies installed in the enclosure as this will void the warranty and could
cause damage to the unit and drives. The canisters should be packaged separately
within the product packaging, as provided.
Thermal Specifications
G15 and G15+ enclosures have been designed to meet the
air-flow/cooling requirements for popular 7,200, 10,000, and 15,000 RPM disk
drives. Using high performance blowers, air is pulled in from all open vents and
exhausted out the back of the unit.
Rotation Vibration Specifications
G15 and G15+ enclosures have been designed to meet the
rotation vibration/shock requirements for popular 7,200, 10,000, and 15,000 RPM
disk drives.
Fault Indication Features
This section reviews the indicators that will notify the user of a power supply or
blower that is in a fault state. More information is available in Chapter 5
(blowers) and Chapter 6 (power supply).

Fault Indicators

On a blower fault, all the front status LEDs will blink 'Red'. The blower LED on
the back of the unit will light red and an audible alert will sound.
On a power supply fault, all the front status LEDs will also blink 'Red'. The
power supply fault LED will light and an audible alert will sound. The audible
alert can be turned off through SES.

Audible Alert

There are three audible enclosure alerts that are controlled through the SES
Two beeps indicate a temperature issue.
Three beeps indicate a blower failure;
Five beeps indicate a power supply failure;

SAFETY TIP: Reshipping the enclosure with canisters, drives, or power

supplies installed in the enclosure may cause damage to these

components and will void the warranty

SICHERHEITSHINWEIS: Der Versand des Gehäuses mit eingebauten

Einschüben, Platten und Netzteilen kann zur Beschädigung dieser

Komponenten führen und somit den Garantieanspruch gefährden.