Setting ID
Rotary switch settings only affect Slot 0 and all other slots are sequentially
increased by a value of one after that slot.
The ID is set
sequentially starting
from a base address.
The base address, or
starting address, is
set via a 0-7
position rotary
switch located on
the back of the unit.
There is a second 0-
15 position rotary
switch which can be
changed to modify
the base address
setting. Both the top
and bottom
switches must be
set identically.
The default value
for both switches is
The 0-7 switch is used to set the base address which is multiplied by 16, and the
0-15 switch is used to set the offset modifier to the base address. The formula for
setting the ID is: x(16)+y, where x is the 0-7 switch and y is the 0-15 switch.
Example:The 0-7 switch is set to 2, the 0-15 switch is set to 6. This sets the base
address to 38 (2*16=32, +6=38). So Slot 0 ID = 38, Slot 1 ID = 39, Slot 2 ID =
40, Slot 3 ID = 41, etc… up to Slot 14 ID = 52.
The table below provides the Slot 0 Starting (Base) Address Settings.
FORTRAFORCE4G15 & G15+ RAID System InstallationGuide Rev A 4-2
0-7 ID Switch
(base address)
0-15 IDSwitch
(base modifier)
0-7 ID Switch
(base address)
0-15 IDSwitch
(base modifier)