CHS-M2:Mounting chassis for JCPU-640. One required for each CPU-640/-640E.
DP-DISP:Dress panel for top row in cabinet with CPU-640/- 640E installed.
BMP-1:Blank module for unused module positions.
System Modules
The IFC-640 includes the ability to communicate with up to eight conventional modules each with up to eight circuits. Any mix of notification, relay, speaker, or telephone may be used. Choose any combination of up to eight output modules: ICM/ICE, CRM/ CRE, DCM-4 or VCM/VCE. Panel modules mount on either: the two far-right positions of the DP-DISP (next to the primary dis- play); or on any of the four positions on the CHS-4N chassis (CHS-4MN kit required).
NOTES: 1) These modules/expanders are NOT to be used for releasing applications. 2) For additional information on these panel output modules and expanders, see technical bulletin.
CHS-4MB:Expansion Chassis. Mounts up to four modules. Includes CHS-4N, MP-1B (Module Dress Panel), and Expander Ribbon Cable.
ICM-4RK:Notification Appliance Circuit Module, provides four Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) alarm Notification Appli- ance Circuits. Maximum signaling current is 3.0 amps per circuit or 6.0 amps per module, subject to power supply limitations (includes auxiliary power harness, ELRs and slide-in labels).
Includes ON/OFF controls and ON/OFF LEDs.
ICE-4:Notification Appliance Circuit Expander, expands ICM-4 to provide a total of eight Style Y or Style Z alarm Notification Appliance Circuits. Circuit ratings are same as ICM-4.
NOTE: Maximum of one per ICM-4RK. May also be used to add four Notification Appliance Circuits to VCM-4.
CRM-4RK:Control Relay Module, four Form-C relay contacts, rated at 5.0 A, 120 VAC or 28 VDC (resistive) per circuit. Includes manual ON/OFF controls and LEDs.
CRE-4:Control Relay Expander, expands CRM-4 to provide a
total of eight Form-C relay contacts. Note: maximum of one per CRM-4RK. May also be connected to add four relays to ICM-4, TCM-2, TCM-4, or VCM-4.
VCM-4RK:Voice Control Module provides four Style Y (25 and 70 Vrms) and Style Z (25 Vrms only) speaker circuits, eight manual select switches and indicators, slide-in labels, and plug- in terminal blocks. Move jumper to convert to telephone circuits with remote ring signal and local call-in flash. May be expanded to eight circuits with VCE-4, ICE-4, or CRE-4.
VCE-4:Voice Control Expander adds four circuits to VCM-4.
Note: VCM-4/ VCE-4 combination must be eight speaker or eight phone circuits.
DCM-4RK:Dual Channel Module pro-vides four Class B (Style Y, 25 & 70 Vrms) or Class A (Style Z, 25 Vrms only) speaker cir- cuits plus four channel A/B select relays. Not expandable.
ARM-4:Auxiliary Relay Module, four Form-C relays controlled by a relay module (CRM-4 or CRE-4). N.O. contacts rated 20 amps; N.C. contacts rated 10 amps at 125 VAC and 30 VDC.
NOTE: Maximum of one for each CRM-4 or CRE-4.
JVCC-1B:Voice Control Center. Provides a variety of user- selectable tones on a single channel. Up to two different tones or messages may be selected on a single channel. Also pro- vides optional digital voice message capability and on-sitepro- grammable voice messages. Includes Audio Message Generator (AMG-1) microphone, cables, dress panels, and instructions.
JVTCC-1B:Voice/Telephone Control Center. Provides all that the JVCC-1 provides plus two-way Fire Fighters Telephone (FFT-7) capability.
JTCC-1B:Telephone Control Center. Provides a stand-alone two-way Fire Fighters telephone (FFT-7S).
Includes cables, dress panel and instructions.
RM-1/RM-1SA:Remote microphone assemblies, mount on ADP-4 (RM-1) dress panel or CAB-RM/-RMR (RM-1SA) stand- alone cabinets. See DN-6728.
AMG-E:Audio Message Generator (without microphone). Order in addition to JVCC-1 or JVTCC-1 if two-channel system is required.
FFT-7/FFT-7S:Fire Fighters Telephone control with master handset.
FTM-1:Firephone Control Module connects a remote firefighter telephone to a centralized telephone console. Reports status to panel. Wiring to jacks and handsets is supervised.
AA-30:Audio Amplifier, 30 watts. Switch-mode power. Includes amplifier and audio input supervision, backup input, and auto- matic switchover, power supply, cables. See AA Series technical bulletin.
AA-120/AA-100:Audio Amplifier provides up to 120 watts of 25 Vrms audio power for the IFC-640. The amplifier contains an integral chassis for mounting to a CAB-B4, -C4, or -D4 backbox (consumes one row). Switch-mode power. Includes audio input and amplified output supervision, backup input, and automatic switchover to backup tone. Order the AA-100 for 70.7 Vrms sys- tems and 100 watts of power. See AA Series technical bulletin.
VROM-(n):Factory-programmed message for installation in AMG-1. Provides up to 24 seconds of evacuation message on nonvolatile memory chip. Choose one of many standard mes- sages available. Up to two of these messages may be installed in one AMG. Includes VROM, instructions for installation and operation, and written text of message. See VROM technical bulletin.
VRAM-1:Field-programmed memory to be installed in AMG-1. Provides up to 24 seconds of field-programmable evacuation message on nonvolatile memory chip. Message is programmed from microphone or cassette tape. Up to two of these nonvolatile memory chips may be installed in one AMG. Includes VRAM and instructions for installation and operation.
APS-6R:Auxiliary Power Supply (expander). Provides up to 6.0 amperes of regulated power for compatible Notification appli- ance circuits. Includes battery input and transfer relay, and over- current protection. Mounts on one of four positions on a CHS-4L or CHS-4 chassis. See APS-6R technical bulletin.
ACPS-2406:6.0 amp addressable charger power supply. See ACPS-2406 technical bulletin.
FCPS-24:The FCPS-24 is a remote six-amp (four-amp contin- uous) repeater/power supply. See FCPS-24 technical bulletin.
FCPS-24S6/-24S8:Remote six-amp and eight-amp power sup- plies with battery charger. See FCPS-24S6/-24S8 technical bul- letin.
UZC-256:Programmable Universal Zone Coder provides posi- tive non-interfering successive zone coding. Microprocessor- controlled, field-programmable from IBM®-compatible PCs (requires optional programming kit). See UZC-256 technical bul- letin.
LCD-80/LCD-80TM/FDU-80:80-character, backlit LCD dis- play. Mounts up to 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) from panel. Up to 32 per IFC-640. See LCD-80/-80TM and FDU-80 technical bulletins.
ACS: Annunciator Control Modules ACM-16AT, AEM-16AT, ACM-32A, and AEM-32A. See ACS technical bulletin and ACM/ AEM-24AT and ACM/AEM-48A technical bulletin.
AFM: Annunciator Fixed Modules AFM-16A, AFM-16AT, and AFM-32A. See AFM technical bulletin.