The numbers refer to the pages in which the parts are explained.
*1 The [PHONES] terminal is for connecting a pair of headphones equipped with a stereo plug (not supplied).
When the headphones are connected, the speakers do not produce any sound. (“HEADPHONE” appears
in the display window.)
During playback, when you connect or disconnect headphones, sound from the [LINE OUT] and [LINE-
DIGITAL OUT] terminals may be intermittent. While recording sound to another device, do not connect or
disconnect headphones.
*2 Refer to the separate volume of the operation manual for the network function.
Refer to “Display window” shown below.
Front view
These terminals are available when
the front cover is open.
Remote control sensor
Rear view
Display window

Part description

DD-83[J].book Page 3 Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:25 PM