To adjust subwoofer output— SubwooferTo adjust subwoofer level

Adjust the subwoofer output level.

00 (min.) to 12 (max.)

Press to adjust reproduced frequency level and slope.

To select the cutoff frequency

Select an appropriate cutoff frequency level according to the subwoofer connected.

31.5 Hz to 200 Hz

Frequencies higher than the selected level are cut off to the subwoofer.

To adjust the slope

Adjust the slope—continuity of sound among speakers.

–18 / –12 / –6 (dB)

As the number becomes higher, the reproduced band width shared among speakers becomes wider.

To adjust the input level of each source—VolAdjust

This setting is required for each source except FM. Before making an adjustment, select an appropriate source for which you want to make an adjustment.

Once you have made an adjustment, it is memorized, and the volume level will automatically increase or decrease by adjusted level whenever you change the source.

Adjust to match the input level to the FM sound level.

–5(min.) to +5 (max.)