4Select a category you want.

You can move to the other lists by pressing 4/¢ (/).

5Finish the procedure.

The first channel of the selected category is tuned in.

If you select the current category (highlighted on the display), its channel list appears.

You cannot select the category if all channels in the category is skipped. To restore the skipped category, add (restore) a skipped channel in the skipped category (see page 48).

Holding 5/also shows the Category List while listening to a channel.

Selecting a channel from the list

1Enter the MODE menu (see page 5).

2Select “Channel.”


4Select a channel you want.

• You can move to the other lists by


pressing 4/¢ (

/ ).


5 Finish the procedure.

You cannot select a channel if it is skipped.

To restore the skipped channel, see page 48.

Selecting your favorite from the list

While displaying the Channel List or User

Preset Channel List...

1Enter the list information mode.


One of the channel list below appears.


Channel List (Channel name)

Channel List (Artist name)

Channel List (Song title)

To be continued....