3 Select an item.


Ex.: To select a favorite song

You can move to the other lists by pressing 4/¢ ( / ).

Skipping channels

Once you skip channels, they can be tuned in neither using the 5/nor using the channel list.

While displaying the channel list (see page47)...

Ex.: To skip the 3rd channel in the list.

1Select a channel you want to skip.



*The color of the channel indicator changes gray when the channel is skipped.

You can move to the other lists by pressing 4/¢ ( / ).


The 3rd channel in the list is skipped.

If you skip all channels in a category, the category itself will be skipped. (The color of the category indicator changes gray.)

To add (restore) skipped channels, repeat the same procedure. (Select a skipped channel in step 1.)

The color of the channel indicator is also restored.

To add (restore) skipped category, select “ALL” category (see step ! on page 45), then add (restore) a skipped channel in the skipped category. (Skipped category will be restored automatically.)

The color of the category indicator is also restored.

To change the display information


Category name and

channel name

Artist/composer name and

song title

Small graphic screen

Large graphic screen

Graphic screen

Audio level meter

• See also page 5.