Setting the display color


1 Follow steps 1 to 3 on page 18.

• In step 2, select “COLOR.”

• In step 3, select “Color Sel.”


3Select a source.

All Source*1 OCD OChanger (or Ext In*2) OLINE IN*3OUSB*4 OFM OAM OSirius*4/XM*4 OIpod*4/ D.PLAYER*4 O(back to the beginning)

*1 When you select “All Source,” you can use the same color for all the sources.

*2 Depends on the “Ext Input” setting, see page 21.

*3 Only for KD-AR870.

*4 Displayed only when the target component is connected.

5Repeat steps 3 and 4 to select the color for each source (except when selecting “All Source” in step 3).

6Exit from the setting.

Creating your own color—User Color

You can create your own colors—“Day Color” or “NightColor.”

1Follow steps 1 to 3 on page 18.

In step 2, select “COLOR.”

In step 3, select “Color Set.”

2Select “Day Color” or “NightColor.”

4 Select a color.

3 Select a primary color.

Every*4 OAqua OSky OSea OLeaves OGrass OApple ORose OAmber OHoney OViolet OGrape OPale O User*5 O(back to the beginning)

*4 The color changes every 2 seconds.

*5 The user-edited colors—“Day Color” and

“NightColor” will be applied (see right column for details).

4Adjust the level (+00 to +11) of the selected primary color.