Warranty applies only to PRODUCT distributed in Canada by JVC Canada Inc.

JVC CANADA INC. (hereafter called "JVC") grves the following ex press warranty fo r each new JVC product distributed in Canada by JVC and sold by an authorized JVC dealer. JVC warrants that this JVC product is free, under normal use and maintenance. from any defects in material and workmanship subject to the following terms and conditions·


Lagarantl s'applrque seulement aux PRO DUITS distrlbues auCanada pa rJVC CanadaInc.

JVC CANA DA INC. ( ci-apres ap pele "JVC") enonce Ia garantie ex presse suivante pour tout nouveau produit JVCdistribue au Ca nad a par JVC et vendu par un detaillant JVCautorise . JVC vous garanti t que ce produit est degage, sous utilisation et entretie n normal, de tout defaut materiel et defabrication so us reserve des modalites et conditions su ivantes:

1. To Obtain Warranty Service:

(a) JVC pro duct requiring service must beprese nted together

with proof of purchase.

(b) The JVC product must be brought in for service to an

authorized JVC Service Centre.

2. Limitation:

This Warranty shall not applyto:

(a) Repair or replaceme nt of any cabinets. battenes . plates.

connection cords, ant ennas. dust covers, knobs, speaker

grills, speaker cones , projection screens. projection screen

save rs, an dall accessories

(b) Any defects caused or repai rs required as aresu lt of

misuse. abusive operation, negligence. improper useand/or

insufficient care.

(c) Anydefect caused or repairs req uired as aresult of not

following the instructions intheop eration manual.

(d) Any JVC product tamperedwith. adjusted or repai red by


If any defectsshould be fou nd in aJVC product within the

appl icableterms. necessary repairs shall be made at no cost to the purcha ser for pa rts or labour whe nJVC acknowledges that such defectsare due tofau lty mate rial or workmanship

4.Exclusion ot All Other Express Warranties :

This wa rranty constitutes the entire express warranty given by JVC for JVC products and nodealer or service centre pe rso nnel or his. its or their agent or employee is. or areautho rized to extend or enlargethiswa rranty on behalf ofJVC .

5.Disclaimer of Consequential Damage:

To the extent the lawpermitsJVC di sclaims any responsibility for loss of time or use of its product. transportation co sts.

or any other indirect. incidental or consequential damage or inconvenience.



Pour obten ir un service de garantie:



(a) Les produits JVC necessitant un se rvicedoit etrepresentee

Lagarant iene couv repas !'elimination d'interferences


avec Iaprevued'achat.

statiques ou electriques de Iavoiture . lenettoyage de Wte,


(b) Leprodurt JVC doit eireapportepo ur servicechez un centre

tes atustements et lescoOtsde ma ind'muvreassociesa


de serviceJVC autorise.

l'enl evement ouaIa re installationde!'unitepour reparation.



3. Crite res:


Cette garantrenes'applique pas aux·

Si unproduit JVC s'ave rait defectueux. se ton lesconditions


(a) Reparationou remplace ment de tout cabinet, batteri es .

applica bl es . les repa rationsnecessaires se ront effecturis


panneauavant, cordons de raccord, antennes. housses

sans coOt sadditionnels al'acheteur pou r les pieceset Iamain


de protecti on. boutons ,couve rts de hautparleur. cones de

d'muvrelorsq ue JVC reconnait quede te llsdefectuositris sont


hautparleur. ecrans de pro jection . protecteursd'ec ran de

causees par une de fectu os itede materiel oude fabri cation.


projectionet taus tes accessoires.

4. Exclusion defoutes autres garanti es expresses :


(b) Tousdefauts occas ionne sou reparatronsrequises suiteaune

Cette garantieconst ituel'entieregarantie exp ressdonn ee par


utilisation abusive, mauvaise. neg ligenteet/ouun eutil ization

JVC pour lesproduits JVC. Nul representan t ou employe d'un



detaillanl oud'un se rvice d'entretien n'est autorise aprolonger


(c) Tous defauts occasion nes ou reparations req uisessu ite

cettegarantreau nom de JVC.


a!'omission desuivre les rec ommandations du manue l

Denegation des dommages indirects:

anyparty other than JVC or authorrzed JVC Service Centre

Produ ct

Pa rts Labou r

d'inst ruction.

Dans Iamesu repermise pa r Ialoi, JVC nietouteresponsabilite

(d ) Tou t produit JVC altere.aju ste ou reparepar toutautre



(e) AnyJVCproducts on which the se rral nu mber has been defaced, modified or removed.

(f) Maintenance, cleaning or periodic check-up

(g)Conversion to foreign or domestic voltage or freq uency.

(h)Any JVC product without the Canadian Electrical Safety Regulations ID.

(i)Any JVC products used for commercial or institutional, rental, or displaypurposes.

Parts ...... 1year (exce pt video he ad- 90 days) Labour ... 90 days

(j)Any JVC product whichhas been resold and no longer owned by theoriginal purchaser

(k)Product purchased from ·outsideCanada". "bankruptcy" or "liquidator"

(I) Any detects caused by tire, flood, lightning, power surge. or other events beyond the control at JVC.


Warranty doesnot cover elimination of car stati cor electrica l interterences, cleaning cf head,adjustments, or labour cost for the removal or rein sta llation of the unit tor repair.

(Years) (Ye ars)

Projection TV In-HomeService

Colour TV In-Home(25" and above)

1 1

D-ILA Rear Projection In-HomeService

LCD TV In-HomeService (2 5" and above)

*In-Homeservice to be prov ided whereavailable. Where it is not available. the purchaser must assume the responsibility and expense for th e proper packing , shi pme nt and all costs associated withthe delivery of the equ ipmen t to and from the closest JVC Au thorized Service Centre.

Receivers and Home Speakers purchased



separately. Front Projection and Car

Audio "ARSENAL" Series



AC Adapters. Remotecontro ls,

Headphones . Microphones and Projector 90 days 90 days lamps

Woo d Cone Speake rs



All Other Categories



entreprise queJVC ou un cent rede se rv iced'entreti en oude

pour perle de tem ps ou d'usage de ses produits , des cootsde

transport ou tout autredommageou incon ven ient indirect.

service autori seJVC.

accidentel et consequent.



(e) Tout produit JVC dont lenumero de se rieaetealtere , mod ifie


ou enleve.


Piece s


(f) L'entretien, les verifications periodiques et nettoyage


(g) Laconversion aunefrequence ou une tension etrangere ou

(An nees\


~crans de project ron ServiceaDomicile

dom esti que



(h) Tout prod uit JVC n'ayant pas le signed'identificationqu i

Ecrans de TVCouleur ServiceaDomicile(25" el pl us)



conforme aux normselectriq ues Canad iennes (GSA).

TV projection arriereD-ILAServiceaDom ici le



(i) Pou r tout produil utilise ades fins commerciales.

Ecrans deLCD Serv iceaDomicile(25'.et plus)



'Service adomicilefourn i par un detai llant disponible


institu tionnelles. de locatio nou utilise ades fins d'elalage.


Pieces . .. ........ 1An (Exceptelestetes video- 90tours)

S'il n'yapasde serviceJVC disponible aproximite,l'acheteurdoitassumer

Iaresponsab iliteet les coOlspour unemballage adequat. !'expedition,ainsi

Marnd·oeuvre ... 90 Jours

quetausles coOtsassociesaIalivraisonde l'equipe ment chez et depuisle

(J) Tout produit JVCayant eterevendu et qui n·est plus Ia

diHaillant JVC autorise lepluspres pourunservice d'entretien.


prop riete de l'acheteur original.


Recepteurs et Hauts-Par leursachetes



(k) Produit achetea"l'exteri eur du Canad a", provenant d'une



separement, Projecteu rAvant et Audiod'Auto



"faill rte" ou d'un"liquidateur".

de Serie"ARSE NAL"



(I) Tout dommagecause pa r lefeu , une inondation. un eclair.



Ada ptateu rsAC , Teleco mmande, Casque

90 Jours


une su rten sionou tout au treevenement hors ducon trolede

D'ecoute, Microphones et Lampe de Proiecteur


EnceinteaCone en Bo is




Toutes lesautres categories




6070 kestrel Road, Missi sauga, Ontario, L5 T158 Canada

TEL : (905) 670-3381 FAX: (905)670-7244 Service toll free# 1-80 0-964-2650

http://www.JVCca E-mail service@jvc ca

Product Registration

Wesuggest that you register your product sin ceit will enableus to contact you directly it it is ever necessary to correct asafety related condition in your product. You can register at

For customer use:

Enter below the Model No. and Serial No. which is locatedeither on the rear. bottom or side of the cabinet. Reta inthis information fo r fu ture reterence.

Model No.

Serial No..

Purchase date:

Name of dealer:


6070 kestrel Road, Miss isauga, Ontario, LST1 S8 Canada

TEL (905) 670-3381FAX (905)670 -7244Service toll free# 1-800-964-2650 E-mail: service@jvc ca

Enregistrement du prodult

Nous vous conseillonsd'enreg istrer votreproduil, car if nouspermettradevouscontacter directement si jamaiselle est necessaire pour corriger unproblemelieaIa securi le devotreproduit. Vous po uvez vous inscrireahttp//www.jvc ca/www/Support/Warrantyaspx

Pour l'ulifisaliondes clients:

En trez ci-dessous le numero de modeleet lenumero de serie qui se trouve soil al'arri ere, enba sousur lecotede!'armoire. Conservez ces informationspour reterence futu re.

No. de modele:

No. deserie:


Page 66
Image 66
JVC KWV20BT instruction manual Warranty

KWV20BT specifications

The JVC KW-V20BT is a versatile multimedia receiver designed for modern vehicle audio systems, seamlessly integrating technology and entertainment for the driving experience. This double DIN receiver boasts a sleek design, a large 6.8-inch touchscreen display, and an intuitive interface that enhances navigation and usability.

One of the standout features of the KW-V20BT is its Bluetooth connectivity. With built-in Bluetooth technology, users can easily pair their smartphones for hands-free calling and audio streaming. The receiver supports A2DP, which allows for high-quality audio playback, making it easy to enjoy your favorite music or podcasts directly from your device.

The KW-V20BT is also compatible with both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, providing users with access to essential apps and navigation tools directly from the receiver's interface. This feature allows drivers to safely utilize their smartphone’s capabilities while on the road, providing an enhanced experience without the need to handle the device.

Audio quality is a major focus of the KW-V20BT. It features a powerful built-in amplifier, ensuring clear and robust sound. Moreover, the receiver comes equipped with a 13-band equalizer, allowing users to adjust frequencies to suit their listening preferences. Additional audio enhancements include a selectable high-pass or low-pass crossover, and a powerful subwoofer output for those looking to bump up their bass response.

In terms of media support, the KW-V20BT is designed to accommodate various formats. Users can play music from USB drives, CD, or via Bluetooth. The receiver also features an HDMI input, which is perfect for connecting external devices for video playback, enhancing the in-car entertainment experience for passengers.

For those concerned about safety, the JVC KW-V20BT offers a range of rear camera options, providing added peace of mind when reversing. The unit is also compatible with steering wheel controls for added convenience.

With its robust set of features, modern connectivity options, and an emphasis on sound quality, the JVC KW-V20BT stands out as an excellent choice for drivers looking to upgrade their in-car audio system. Whether you’re commuting or embarking on a road trip, this receiver promises to deliver an engaging audio experience tailored to modern listening needs.