• You can also use AV MENU on the monitor panel.
! Select a sound mode.
• For preset values of each sound mode, page 62.
Sound equalization
Storing your own adjustments
You can store your adjustments into <User1>,
<User2>, and <User3>.
1 Repeat steps ~ and Ÿ, then in step !...
2 Adjust (1), then store (2).
Ex.: When storing into <User2>.
While playing back any source other
than “Bluetooth PHONE,” you can easily
access <Equalizer> menu by pressing
[SHORT CUT] on the touch panel, then...
Move to other six sound modes
EN_KW-AVX710[J].indb 45EN_KW-AVX710[J].indb 45 07.12.5 11:59:22 AM07.12.5 11:59:22 AM