3.Loosenandunscrewthemainpivotboltsixorseventurns.Tapontheheadoftheboltwithaplastichammertopush outthelefthandpivotaxle.
PIvot Lubrication
11.See the previous notes on Main Pivot Adjustment.
K2 Bike Maintenance Schedule
Required Inspection/Service | Every Ride | Weekly | Monthly | Yearly |
Checktorqueonallbolts | 4 |
Checkshockfunction | 4 |
Cleanbicycleframe/component/shocks |
| 4 |
Adjustspringpreloadsetting |
| 4 |
Adjustswingarmpinchbolts |
| 4 |
Lubricatefork(seeNoleenForkManual) |
| 4 |
InspectFrame/Swingarmfordamage* |
| 4 |
Remove/regreaseorreLoctite /retorqueallbolts |
| 4 |
Inspect/serviceshock |
| 4 |
Inspect/ServiceallNylonBearings |
| 4 |
*YoushouldperiodicallyinspectyourK2Bikeframeandswingarmfordamagefromcrashesandhardriding.Youshouldcleanandcloselyinspect theheadtubearea,bottombracketarea,andallfrontandrearsuspensionparts.
Torque and Lubrication Table
Product | PartName/Location | Size/Description | Lubrication | Loctite | |
5500C, 4500C, | Mainpivotscrew | M8 x 1.25 x 65 SHCS | 175 | Yes | Blue |
5000, 4000, | Swingarmpinch | M6 x 1 x 20 SHCS | varies | Yes | Blue |
3000, 2000, 1000 | Brake pivot | M10 | 60 | No | Red |
Animal,Beast, | Brakepivot(allotherbikes) | M8 | 60 | No | Red |
AnimalDH, | Uppershock | M6 x 1 x 45 BHCS | 150 | Yes | Blue |
Lite Tech LT450 | Lowershock(mostbikes) | M6 x 1 x 38 SHCS | 150 | Yes | Blue |
| Lower shock (3000., 2000, 1000) | M6 x 1 x 20 SHCS | 150 | No | None |
| Lower strut (3000, 2000, 1000) | M6 x 1 x 23 BHCS | 60 | Yes | Blue |
| Derailleurhanger | M4 x 8 FHCS | 20 | Yes | Blue |
| Bottleboss | M5 x .8 x 15 SHCS | 60 | Yes | None |
Service Kits
ThefollowingReplacement/ServiceKitsareavailablefromyourK2Bike/NoleenAuthorizedDealer.TheyareintendedforusebyyourK2Bike/ Noleendealerorotherqualifiedmechanicpossesingthepropertrainingandtools.
K2 Bike 1000, 2000, 3000 (also | Replacesallbearingsandseals | RK001 |
K2 Bike 5500C - 4000 (Most bikes) Bearing / Seal Kit | Replacesallbearingsandseals | RK008 |
Replacesallclearpivotsealsandotherparts | RK004 | |
Replacesalllinkbearings | RK006 | |
ChubbySealKit(ChubbyandChubbyLT) | ReplacesallChubbyseals | RK007 |