Secure Side Shelf Assembly to the Firebox Assembly
[] Use 1 Phillips Head Bolt and 1 Washer from inside of firebox to secure attached Side Shelf
Phillips Head Bolt: M6x3/8"
Qty: 1
Part # SB0004
Washer: M6
Qty: 1
Part # SBO005
Place Heat Diffusers, Cooking Grates, and Warming Rack into the Firebox Assembly [] Place the Heat Diffusers (F) into the Firebox Assembly (1), Ensure the fronts of the Heat
Diffusers, maked "FRONT', are at the front of the firebox.
[] Place the Grates (E) into the Firebox Assembly (I). Each grate has a small knob on each
corner. The knobs should rest on the front or back panels of the firebox. The 2 large and 1 small grates can be inserted in any order.
[] Place the Warming Rack (D) into the slots along the top of the Firebox Assembly (I) as shown.