Aswithallappliances,propercareandmaintenance willkeepyourgrillintopoperatingconditionand prolongitslife.Byfollowingthesecleaningprocedures onatimelybasis,yourgrillwillstaycleanandwork properiywithminimumeffort.
ImportantNote:Useaspongeorwashclothto clean exteriorgrillsurfacesAfiberorbrasscleaningbrush. canbeusedtocleaninteriorgrillpartswhichwill accumulatefoodandgrease;GrillBowl,Cooking Grids,FlameTamers,GreaseDrainingTrayand GreaseReceptacleNeveruseawirebrushormetal. scraperwhichcanscratchorchiptheporcelainfinish ofyourgrillandpromoterustingwhichisnotcovered byyourproductwarranty.
Cleaning the Cooking Grids
Before initial use and as needed, wash Cooking Grids with a mild detergent and rinse with hot water. For stubborn food residue use a degreaser and fiber or brass cleaning brush. Dry immediately using a soft cloth or paper towels.
CAUTION: Never clean your grill unless you are sure it is cool to the touch.
Cleaning the Flame Tamers
To reduce the chance of
Cleaning the Grease Draining Tray, Heat Shield and Grease Receptacle
To reduce the chance of fire, the Grease Draining Tray, Heat Shield and Grease Receptacle should be in- spected before each grill use. Remove grease
(a plastic spatula works welt) and wash all parts with a mild soap and warm water solution.
Cleaning Exterior Surfaces
Before initial use, and periodically thereafter, we
suggest you wash your grill using a mild soap and warm water solution. You can use a wash cloth or
sponge for this process. Do not use a stiff wire or brass brush that might remove paint during the clean- ing process.
Keep outdoor cooking gas appliance area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids.
Cleaning the Inside of the Grill Lid
Grease can have a tendency to build up on the inside of the Grill Lid and could drip onto deck or patio when the lid is opened. Visually inspect the inside of the Grill Lid before each grill use. Remove any grease and wash with a mild soap and warm water solution.
Cleaning the Grill Interior
1.Turn all Burner Valves to the full OFF position.
2.Turn the LP gas tank valve to the full OFF position.
. Disconnect the regulator from the gas tank. Inspect the hose with regulator assembly for cracking, cuts or any other damage, and replace as neccessary with Sears replacement parts. See Parts List.
4.Remove and clean the Flame Tamers, Cooking Grids, Cooking Rack and Grill Burners.
5.Cover each Gas Valve Orifice with aluminum foil.
6.Brush the inside and bottom of the grill with a fiber or brass cleaning brush, and wash with a mild soap and warm water solution. Rinse thoroughly and let dry.
7.Remove aluminum foil from Orifices and check each Orifice for obstruction.
8.Check each Spark Electrode, adjusting as needed. The space between the Spark Electrode Tip and Spark Receiver should be approximately 3/16".
9.Replace the Burners and adjust the Gas Collector Box. The edge of the collector box should be overlapping the Burner Port.
10.Replace Flame Tamers and the Cooking Grids.
11.Reconnect the gas source and observe the Burner flame for correct operation.
1.Do not obstruct the flow of air for combustion and ventilation.
2.Keep the ventilation openings of the cylinder enclosure cabinet free and clear of debris.
3.Visually check burner flames occasionally to observe for proper flame pattern as shown below.