Installation Instructions (cont'd)

Facts to Consider About the


You should carefully choose an indoor location for the new water heater, because the placement is a very important consid- eration for the safety of the occupants in the building and for the most economical use of the appliance. This water heater is not for use in mobile homes or outdoor installation.

The location selection must provide adequate clearances for ser- vicing and proper operation of the waterheater.


Thiswater heater mustnot be installeddirtily on carpeting.

Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the water

heater in a hew location, the following critical points must be observed.

The location selected should be indoors as close as practical to the gas vent or chimney to which the water heater vent is going to be connected, and as centralized with the water pip- ing system as possible. The water heater, as all water heaters,

will eventually leak. Do not install without adequate drainage provisions where water flow will cause damage.



water heater must be accom011sheclin sucha manner that if the tank or anyconnectionsshouldleak,the Bowof water will

not causedamageto the structure..Forthis reason,it is not advisableto instailthe water heater m an attic or upper floor,i

When suchlocationscannotbe avoided,a suitabledrain pan shouldbe installed under the water heater. Drain pansare availableat your localSearsstore. Sucha drain pan must be not greater than I% inchesdeep,havea minimum lengthand widthof at least2 inchesgreaterthan the water heater dimen-

sionsand must be pipedto an adequatedrain.The pan must mt restrictcombustion air flow.Under no circumstancesisthe

nanufactureror Searsto be heldliablefor anywater damage n connectionwith this water heater.


INSTALLATIONSIN AREASWHERE FLAMMABLELIQUIDS VAPORS) ARE LIKELY TO BE PRESENT OR STORED (GARAGES, STORAGE, AND UTILITY AREAS, ETC): Flammableliquids(such as gasoline,solvents,pmpene(LP) or butane, etc.), all of which emit flammable vapors, may be improperlystored or usedin such area_ The gaswater heater pilot lightor main burnercanignitesuchvapor_The resulting flashbackandfire cancausedeath or serious bumsto anyonein

the area,aswellaspropertydamage.

If installationin suchareasis youronlyoption,then the installa- tion must be accomplished in a way that the pilot flame and

!mainburnerflameare elevatedfrom the floorat least 18inche_

Y/hUe thk may reducethe chancesof flammablevaporsfrom a floorspillbeing ignited,gasolineandotherflammablesubstances shouldneverbe storedor usedin the same room or area con- talninga gaswater heateror other openflameor sparkproduc- ingappliance.

NOTE: Flammablevaporsmay be drawnby air currentsfrom other areasof the structureto the appliance.


Pmpellaotsof aemsel spraysand volatile compounds,.(clean- ers,chlorinebasedchemicais,refrigerants,etc.) in additionto

beinghighlyflammable In many cases,will a/sochangeto €or- ro_vo hydrochloricacid when exposed to the combustion

productsof the water .I.."......_The... resultscan be hazardous,


ICarpeting must be protected by a metal or wood panel beneath the applianceextendingbeyondthe full width and

depth of the appliance by at least 3 nches(76 2ram) n any

!dlrectJon,or if the applianceis installedin an alcoveor closet, the entirefloor mustbe coveredby the panel.Failureto heed this warningmayresultin a Erehazard.


Minimum clearancesbetween the water heater and €om- bustibleconstructionare I" at the sidesand rear, 4" at the front, and 6"from the ventpipe.Clearancefrom the top of the

jacketis 18"on most modeK Note that a lesserdimensionmay be allowedon somemodels. Refer to the label on the water

heateradjacentto the gascontrolvalvefor all dearances.


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Agaswater heater cannotoperate properlywithout the cor- rect amountof air for combustionDo. not installin a confined

area such a closet,unlessyou provideair as shownin Figures I-5. Never obstructthe flaw of Cen_lationair. If you haveany doubtsor questionsat all,callyour pro- videthe properamount of combust_nair canresultin a fire or

explosionand can causeDEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJUR_,



If this water beater will be usedin beautyshops,barbershops,

cleaningestablishments,or self.service laundries with dry cleaningequipment,it is imperativethat the water heater or water heatersbe installedsothat €ombustlenand ventlindon

air be taken from outsidethese areas.Refer to the "Facts to ConsiderAbout the Location"socdenof this manualand also

the latestedition of the NationalFuelGas Code,ANSI Z223..I, also re_n'adto as NFPA 54 for specificsprovidedconcerning air required.


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Kenmore 153.337363, 153.337863, 153.337963, 153.337962 Installation Instructions contd, Facts to Consider About Location

153.337363, 153.337463, 153.337563, 153.337863, 153.337214 specifications

The Kenmore line of appliances has long been synonymous with reliability and performance. Among its popular products are the Kenmore models 153.337214, 153.337663, 153.337563, 153.337463, and 153.337863. Each of these models offers a set of features designed to enhance the user experience and provide superior functionality.

One of the defining characteristics of these Kenmore models is their advanced technology. These units integrate innovative features such as smart connectivity, allowing users to monitor and control their appliances remotely via smartphone apps. This integration not only provides convenience but also aids in energy management, helping users save on energy costs while ensuring that their appliances are operating at peak efficiency.

The design of the Kenmore models also emphasizes user-friendly interfaces. Many of the units come equipped with touch controls and LED displays, making them simple to operate and program. This intuitive design is coupled with features like delayed start options and multiple cooking modes, catering to the diverse needs of modern households.

In terms of performance, Kenmore's 153.337214, 153.337663, 153.337563, 153.337463, and 153.337863 models showcase impressive energy efficiency ratings. Each model is engineered to minimize power consumption while maintaining high levels of performance, making them an eco-friendly choice for savvy consumers. Furthermore, these appliances often include features such as self-cleaning capabilities and noise-reduction technologies, ensuring that they are not only effective but also considerate of the user's comfort.

Safety is another priority in the design of these models. They come equipped with features such as auto shut-off, child locks, and safety sensors to ensure peace of mind for families. This commitment to safety, combined with a reputation for durability, means that Kenmore appliances are a trusted choice for many households.

In summary, Kenmore models 153.337214, 153.337663, 153.337563, 153.337463, and 153.337863 represent the brand's dedication to quality, innovation, and user satisfaction. With advanced technology, user-friendly designs, energy efficiency, and safety features, these appliances are well equipped to meet the demands of contemporary living while providing a reliable solution for everyday household tasks. Whether for cooking, cleaning, or other chores, these models are a testament to Kenmore's legacy of excellence in home appliances.