Laundry Aids and
=Use with detergentor soapfor greasysoil whensoaking or washing.
..........Use to whitenclothes and t_'oremovestains
and odors when soaking or washing, Followdirections on care label of garment.
°Followdirections on bleach package.
Can produce poisonous gas resulting in serious personal !njury or death.
........... o | Do not pourdirectly on fabiics'. | " |
o | De not use in rinse cycle. Bleach must be |
| rinsed, Do not use if there is iron in water |
=Bleach is not a substitute for detergent. Always use normal amount of detergent.
_, Can be used with detergents, soaps and water conditioners
°Most effective during last five minutes of wash.
°Usein warm soak or hotwash.
oSafe for all washablefabrics but check care instructions.
oCan be used with detergents, soaps and water conditioners.
=DO NOTUSE ON WOOL, SILK OR SPANDEX. Chlorine bleach wilt turn wool and silk yellow and wilt damage the fibers, causing holes in fabric.
°Concentrated,chlorinebleach will damage some fibers, even causehoFes.
@Do not use bleach with
° Do not use in rinse
(, Slower, less effective
,Use when soaking or W'as'hingto remove dirt ....
and soil
o Can be used on all types of fibers
•Can be used with bleaches and water conditioners
oUse recommendedamounts suggested on detergent packages
•Can be used in any water
o If 'io'olittle is used will cause fabric'to become
yellow or gray Follow package instructions for amount
='Do not add fabric softeners. GRAYISHGREASY STAIN WILL RESULT
=Do not use more than recommendedamount or excessive suds will result.
°Pretreat stains and grease spots on fabric before loadingin washer.
oUse soft
-Use hottestwater fabricwill permit.
=Dissolvedetergent in smatl amount of water before addingwashFoad..
•At the end of the cycle wipe out tub with a damp cFoth
,_'Usein deep'"rinseto soften"bath towels, diapers,
etc. and to reduce static electricity in synthetic fibers.
_, Add to rinse to minimize wrinkling of permanent press fabric.
,= Helpfabric repel lint.
°Use in soak cycle or overnight to remove toughdirt proteinand some stains
,, rr.: | ,.., | ;== ,_ I |
°White steaks and powderyresidue may occur..
°Bright colorsmay becomefaded or masked Fabrics may becomestiff and hard.
°Whites may becomegrayed°
=Stain removal is moredifficult.
° Flame retardant finishes may become ineffective. ,= Abrasion and lintlng may increase
oRough deposits may coatthe tub and interior components.
" DOnotuse wi'ihdetergentor blea'€ll:GREASYcURD OR FABRICSTAIN WILL RESULT Addonly to rinse
= Do not use excessively
°Donot pour directly onto fabric Some may cause dark spots.
, _, See..stainremoval directi.ons page. | ............ |
Can produce poisonousfumes resulting in serious personalinjury or death..
=Do not use on
'=Use on fresh stains, tightly soiledareas grease
or oil stainson permanent press
;_;;:_:_;_;;_:i;,%_:i;:::;_:i:::::,, See ackagedirect ons .......
=Use in soak and wash to removesoil or fabric softener stain
=Use with bleach or water conditi.oners.
,,use in wash to reduce amount of detergent or soap required.
_, Must be used with soap to prevent soap curd, in hard water
oUse in rinse to aid in removing soap Use 1 cup of conditioner at start of rinse fill
...........° Usewith d.etergents,soaps and bleaches.
•Must be used in 'soft"Water or with water conditioner to prevent soap curd.
oPrecipitating water condtiioners such as washing
soda, form insolubleparticleswhich may be difficult to rinse out.