Music disc/Audio file Operation

Function of iPod source/ Music Editor media

Skip Search

The number of songs to be skipped is determined by the ratio of the total number of songs in the list which is selected.

1Enter Music Search mode Press the [] button. “MUSICSEARCH” is displayed.

2Enter Search select mode Press the [] button.

3Select Skip Search mode

Turn the Control knob to select “Skip Search”, and then press the [ENTER] button.

4 Search for music

Operation type




Movement between items


Turn the Control knob.

Skip Search


Push the Control knob towards up or down.

Selection of item


Press the [ENTER].

Return to previous item


Press the [

] button.

Cancelling the Music Search mode

Press the [ ] button for at least 1 second.

Set the ratio with 25 Skip Search in <Function setting> (page 15).

Keep pushing Control knob for 3 seconds or longer skips songs at 10% regardless of the setting.

Function of iPod source

Direct Search

Searching for music by selecting a browse item and an alphabetic character(s).

1Enter Music Search mode Press the [] button. “MUSICSEARCH” is displayed.

2Enter Search select mode Press the [] button.

3Select Direct Search mode

Turn the Control knob to select “Direct Search”, and then press the [ENTER] button.

4Select browse item

Turn the Control knob to select browse item, and then press the [ENTER] button.



Browses item











































5Select the character to be searched for

Turn the Control knob to select character, and then press the [ENTER] button.

You can select up to three characters.

6Search for musicTurn the Control knob to select ”DONE”, and then press the [ENTER] button.

A search result list is displayed.

7Select the musicTurn the Control knob to select music, and then press the [ENTER] button.

Cancelling the Music Search mode

Press the [ ] button for at least 1 second.

Function of iPod source

Related Search

Browsing for music of the same artist or genre as the one being played.

1Enter Music Search mode Press the [] button. “MUSICSEARCH” is displayed.

2Enter Search select mode Press the [] button.

3Select Related Search mode

Turn the Control knob to select “Related Search”, and then press the [ENTER] button.

4Select browsing item

Turn the Control knob and press the [ENTER] button when the desired browse item is selected.

10 KDC-U7046BT/ KDC-U7046BTL/ KDC-U6046/ KDC-U6046L