Disc Search

(Function of disc changers)

Search forwards or backwards through the discs in a disc changer until you reach the one that you want to listen to.

Making a Reverse Disc Search:

Press the DISCbutton to display the desired disc number. Each time the button is pressed, the displayed disc number decreases by one.

Play starts at the beginning of the displayed disc.

Making a Forward Disc Search:

Press the DISC+ button to display the desired disc number. Each time the button is pressed, the displayed disc number increases by one.

Play starts at the beginning of the displayed disc.


"LOAD" is displayed when discs are being exchanged on the disc changer.

Track / Disc Repeat

Repeat playing the current track or disc.

Turning Repeat Play Function On/Off:

Press the REP button to switch the repeat play function on and off as follows :

Track Repeat ON

Disc Repeat ON (Function of disc changers)

Track/Disc Repeat OFF

"Repeat/T-Repeat ON" is displayed and the track number blinks in the display when track repeat is on.

"D-Repeat ON" is displayed and the disc number blinks in the display when disc repeat is on.


Repeat play is cancelled when you eject the disc.

Track Scan

Successively play the beginning of each track on a disc until you find the track that you want to listen to.

Starting the Track Scan:

Press the SCAN button. "Scan/T-Scan ON" is displayed and the first 10 seconds of each track are played, and the tracks are played in order.

The track number currently being heard blinks in the display.

Stopping to Listen to the Track Being Scanned:

Press the SCAN button again to stop the scan and keep on listening to a track normally.


The track scan function is cancelled when you eject the disc.

The track scan function only scans each track on a disc once.

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