1.Wide dynamic range
New advances in circuit design have made a 102 dB dynamic range (500 Hz IF bandwidth) possible.
2.General coverage reception from 100 kHz to 30 MHz
In addition to transmission and reception on all amateur bands from 1.8 to 28 MHz, the
3. Automatic antenna tuner
The optional,
USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM, and AFSK modes are
5.100% continuous duty transmit
Transmission at a 100% duty cycle is possible for rela- tively long durations (one hour or less) in any mode, including FM and AFSK.
6.CW full break-in
7. Build-in XIT
XIT (Transmitter incremental tuning) allows fine tun ing of the transmitter frequency.
8. Switchable IF bandwidth
The IF bandswitch allows you to tailor the receiver bandwidth to the operating conditions. Several selec- tions are provided; AUTO, W (Wide), M 1 (Medium 1), M2 (Medium 2) and N (Narrow). When the AUTO po- sition has been selected the radio will select the opti- mum bandwidth for the selected mode of operation.
9.Switchable AGC time constant
A switch is provided to select either FAST or SLOW AGC action.
10.All mode squelch
12.Versatile frequency control
.Accurate frequency selection is possible due to the use of a single reference oscillator circuit.
.Continuous tuning of all frequencies thru the use of digital VFO technology. The basic 10Hz step tun- ing rate is modified, according to the selected mode, for optimum tuning speed and accuracy. An auto- matic fast scan function is also provided.
.Dual, digital VFO's (A/B) enable crossband, cross mode operation.
.Memory scan and two programmable scan ranges.
.Direct entry of the desired frequency using the front panel numeric keypad is also possible.
.A memory scroll function allows review of the memory channel contents.
.Selection of the desired memory channel fs possi- ble using either the TUNING dial or microphone UP/DOWN pushbuttons.
.The T
.An optional tone unit
.Optional computer interface.
13.Front panel control of the TUNING dial torque is provided.
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