KitchenAid 3KUIS185V Things To Remember, Operating Instructions, Unit Wiring Diagram

Models: 3KUIS185V

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0 Water enters only during the defrost cycle. There-

fore the first cycle will be completed without water in the system.

0 As the room and water temperatures vary. so wll

the amount of Ice produced This means lhat

higher operating temperatures wll reSull In re. duced ice producllon

0 The unit will shut off when ice in the storage bin

touches the bin thermostat well and 41 auto-

matically cycle to keep the bin full.

0 The storage ban IS nol refngeraled and some meltage wll occur. This, loo, vanes wth the room lemperaturd.

0 -The unit needs good aor clrculahon lo perform

efficiently. Keep the front gnll and Ihe condenser clean.

0 The water syslem. lncludlng filler screen tin lhe

water Inlet solenoid valve. needs lo be cleaned

periodlcally for good cwculahon. Instrucllons are located on the Inner door panel


0 For complete operatmg Informallon, refer to lhe Use and Care Guide

l Before starling, wash OUI lnlerlor of cablnel with a

Bakmg Soda solution (2 lablespoons soda to a quan of warm waler) Fllnse thoroughly.

0 Make cenam Ihe waler IS turned on

0 Turn swtch to the “ON” pos~l!on.


Allow unitto run lor 3 hour before expectlnp Ice and

for 24 hours bofor. trylng lo eet Ihe lhlcknore wntml.

If instollod above 2,ooO fwt altitude. SW pa@ 2 for

themlostat adjustments.


This model operales al 230 Volts except for the cutter grid circuit which operates al 10 Volls al 1 Amp.

The compressor runs al all times except when the bin

thermostat becomes satisfied and opens up. This de-

energizes the system except for the transformer and cutler grid.

Under normal operaling conditions, when the

evaporator reaches the preset lempeialure (-120 C,

+1go F lo -1 Qo C. -30 F. depending on thickness of ice) the evaporator lhermoslal opens. terminating operation of Ihe fan motor and pump molar. The hot gas solenoid and the water valve solenoid are energized al lhis lime

and remain so until the evaporalor reaches 36 (30 C)

+2” F (.16.60 C).

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KitchenAid 3KUIS185V installation instructions Things To Remember, Operating Instructions, Unit Wiring Diagram