4) Water Drainage
All air conditioners dehumidify the air as they cool. This portable air conditioner is designed to evaporate and exhaust this condensed water (sometimes called condensate). When using the Cooling or Dehumidifying modes under extremely humid conditions, the internal water tray may fill completely. If this happens, the Water Level indicator on the control panel will light and the compressor will shut off (so that no water is spilled on the floor.) The unit will continue operating and exhausting water until the water level lowers. Then the compressor will turn back on and the unit will begin cooling as normal.
If you want to begin cooling or dehumidifying right away without waiting for the unit to dispose of the excess condensate itself, you may manually drain the unit.
Manual Drainage
Use t he wat er dr ai n hose suppl i ed wi t h uni t , whi ch i s about si x f eet s l ong.
Upper Dr ai n | Por t |
Addi t i onal | Dr ai n Hose |
Wat er Box
Wat er dr ai n hose suppl i ed wi t h uni t
How t o i nst al l t he hose
The end of t he hose shoul d cover t he i nner por t and i nsi de t he scr ew connect or .